two days. unbelievable.
although i'm sitting quite comfortably in my living room as i write this, i know that back in my bedroom there are suitcases that need to be packed, dirty clothes that need to be washed, picture frames that need to be made, insurance that needs to be bought, devotions that need to be planned, phone calls that need to be made, and the list could go on and on. even though i am a planner and have tried my hardest to not to get behind on stuff, my to do list hasn't seemed to get any shorter these past few days. i guess that's just how life goes sometimes. i have no doubt, though, that everything will all get done in the next 48 hours.
in other news. life at the Fleck household is never dull, especially when my dad is either out of the country or preparing to go out of the country. and now that he's gone and i'm preparing to go, i guess i should probably breathe a sigh of relief that nothing too huge has happened or gone wrong--praise the Lord. take for example the tornadoes that were in wabash this week. yes, tornadoes are a big deal so that is huge, but the thing of it is there really wasn't much damage done at our house...a few pieces of our fence around the pool were blown out and a branch from the maple tree in our front yard was broken. but travel down the road to where my grandparents old house is less than 1/4 of a mile and you would find tops of huge pine trees were broken off, big branches from their maple trees completely snapped off, the old-school TV antennae laying flat on the ground that was taller than the house, and if you would travel another 1/2 mile to our other neighbors house around the corner you would find trees that had been uprooted in their yard that were bigger around than barrels and taller than a two story house. and although we were without power for 15 hours, at least it came back on; our church was cancelled this morning because of the fact there still was no power there and the telephone poles were still down. all that to say, i am very thankful i serve a very big God who is my protector.
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