oh what i would give to hold that little girl in my arms right now.
as good as home feels, my heart still aches to be in India. however, i know that isn't possible, and i know that isn't what the Lord has for me right now. there is still so much to process through, and there is still so much i want to share, but i still just haven't been able to form the words. i knew it was going to be hard to leave after loving boldly, but i am so thankful the Lord gave me the strength to do so. i suppose that i must continually remind myself that it may not get easier but that it is going to get different, and i praise the Lord that He is going to remain the same throughout it all. i still promise to update more thoroughly when i am able to form the words. join me in continually trusting that His ways and thoughts are far above any of ours.
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