spring break marks the halfway point of second semester. the halfway point of second semester this year means graduation is almost here. graduation means real life is just around the corner. and i haven't entirely figured out what real life means yet.
sitting in my living room this morning, i carelessly flipped through the channels trying to find something decent to watch. after jon & kate plus 8, i settled on gilmore girls. interestingly enough, it was all about rory moving into college. i remember watching that episode the summer before i moved into school. at one point in time rory says, "i just hope it will be everything i have been imagining it to be."
when i watched that episode before i moved into school, i remember thinking the exact same thing. and here i am almost four years later, and now i am able to say that college has been everything i imagined it to be and more. each year has brought its own trials and challenges, but each year has provided me with more memories and laughs than ever before.
it's so weird to think that the place i was so apprehensive about going to, i'm even more apprehensive about leaving. it truly has become a second home to me, and that i think that is only because of the people i have become friends with. not only did i find a second home, i found a second family.
what a blessing it has been to walk through life with the people i have met, and the Lord has been so faithful year after year providing me with people the exact people i needed to encourage me and love me well.
as the next seven weeks of my life fly by before graduation, i guarantee there will be tears shed, laughter that abounds, memories made that are irreplaceable, lessons learned, meaningful conversations had, and challenges faced and hopefully conquered.
as scary as the unknown is, i'm excited to see where the Lord will lead. and just as i had to trust blindly last year as everything with India unfolded, i am going to have to trust blindly again that the Lord will provide and direct my steps as i make may way through life trying to live a life that brings glory and honor to his name.
just as the Lord has blessed you trusting blindly with India, I know who will continue to bless you.
love you, beautiful friend.
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