So it may be hard to believe that I am posting two days in a row, but I figured I needed to take advantage of my last night of freedom before I start school again. I finished reading a book, and I decided it was time for me to write about what God reminded me about last week.
You see, last week, I was sitting in a missions committee meeting where we started talking about how many people's lives have been changed in the 10-40 window due to them receiving training about developing businesses. Essentially, it capatalizes on individuals' strengths and helps them to become successful in their communities and better able to provide for their families. Along with many other things. However, my heart started racing thinking of the impact that has already been made but still about the work that needs to be done.
It is such a foreign thought to so many of us in the United States that there are actually people halfway around the world who have no idea who Jesus is. It is such a foreign thought to so many of us that people are living in complete and total darkness, unaware of the Gospel, and not by choice. And it is such a foreign thought to us that we should take ANY part in spreading the Good News to those who have never heard. But the reality is, there are several people groups who have never heard of Jesus and several who do not even know what the Gospel is. And the other reality is that being a part of spreading the Good News to those who have never heard is not a choice, it is not an option, it is a command.
So many verses in scripture refer to "GOING", and yet no where in scripture have been able to find where it is something that we get to CHOOSE whether or not we do. If we are a part of God's family, then to me, it feels as though it is an expectation He has of us. The funny thing to me is, He doesn't need me to do His work, yet he chooses to use me; He can show up to people in dreams, visions, and in so many other ways, yet He has chosen ME to be his vessel for sharing His message with other people.
The hard part for me right now, though, is that I am not halfway around the world living out my faith in such a way that inspires people who do not know Jesus to come to know him more. Yes, I am in contact with people each and every day who does not know Jesus, and I do my best at sharing His love with them through my actions, but so much of my heart is overseas.
Dan and I were just talking the other night before we went to bed about how much we wish we could travel overseas to encourage those already serving or to begin building relationships with natives. But yet, he ever so calmly reminded me that we are where we are for a reason. It is for reasons that he does not understand and it is for reasons that I do not understand. But yet we both know we still have a responsibility to play in helping others come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
So how does it all fit together then? Our hearts are still overseas, but yet we know we are here for a reason...oh I wish I knew. How I wish I knew...But what is important for me to remember, is that in God's perfect time we both will understand how and why everything has fit together the way that it has.
I just hope and pray that we can raise Eliana Joy to have a heart for others, a heart for the lost, a heart for the nations, and to know that the God our family serves and will continue to serve deserves all the praise, glory and honor.
And for now, I end with Luke 10:2, the prayer of my heart regarding missions right now, because prayer can make more of a difference than what we realize, "These were his instructions to them, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.'" May He do just that...May He send more workers into his fields so that more people may come to worship him.
Because when it comes down to it; missions exists because worship doesn't.
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