Just a few pictures from the last month. This little girl is the sweetest thing; not that I am biased or anything. I cannot believe that I have already started thinking about first birthday plans...the year has gone TOO fast. This month Eliana has learned: how to play Pat-a-cake, shake her head no, where her mouth is, how to make a funny noise with her tongue, walk behind her push train, where the bathroom is, how to crawl onto the bottom shelf of her changing table, how to play a game on the Ipad, and I am sure there are other things. She has little to no desire to eat babyfood anymore and prefers what we are eating; she is known to beg. And sleeping is still a struggle, though we have been improving. (Fingers crossed that it continues!) She still usually naps three times a day because she hasn't figured out how to lengthen her morning and afternoon nap to avoid having to go down that third time. We have also started turning the TV off more during the day and the radio on so that she is not distracted (this girl LOVES her Disney Junior), and we play very intentionally with her during this time (not that we don't play with her when the TV is on because we do, but this is when we try to teach her new tricks!). She is enthralled by her books, and if we are sitting with her in the chair and say, "Eliana, do you want to read a book?" She will lean over the side of the chair and laugh for a second, and then if you don't get a book from the basket to read, she will start to cry. Or if she wants to be read to she will pick up a book from the floor and cry until you pick her and the book up and read to her. (Her favorites are Stinky Face, Book Book Book, God Knows All About Me, and Circus Parade.) She has also discovered the joy of turning pages and very rarely will let anyone turn a page for her now. I cannot imagine what this next month has in store for us, but I know we are itching to get outside! Eliana giggles every time we walk over to the door to go outside :)
In other news, Dan started his job full time mid-way through February on night shift. This is a huge answer to prayer, but it has taken some adjusting on my part as I am learning how to be brave at night by myself :) Thankfully my parents are only 5 minutes away...that makes me feel safer! I'm still at my internship 3 days a week, sometimes more depending on the week, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am anxious to be done with school all together, but it will be here before I know it. Nothing else is new besides me starting to make headbands for Eliana and trying to get an etsy site up and running to see if anyone else is interested in them! Oh, and anticipating the arrival of my two NEPHEWS and a couple other pretty special babies too. (Two are due to make their appearances in May, one in July and one in August.)
That's all for now :)
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