Tuesday, July 28, 2009

well. i've been back from India for a week now...and it doesn't seem possible. not a day goes by that i don't wish i was back at the orphanage holding the little girls in my arms, laughing with them, and even being tickled by them. i miss watching them slide down the slide and swing on the two swings that they have, and i miss them even crawling up my arm to get their treasured fruit off the trees.

i'm not sure i have words to adequately describe all that happened while i was in india this year. i learned so much on so many different levels, and it was just as difficult for me to leave this year as it was last. eventually, and hopefully soon, i'll be able to put words to some of the many stories, but for now, we'll just leave it at the fact that i wish i had enough money to buy a plane ticket to go back...

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