Tuesday, May 27, 2008

one week from today. it's still hard to believe. yesterday we had our last meeting with my dad and the gettingers before we leave. although we met at 8:30 in the morning, which involved me getting up at 6:30 after getting home at 1:30, it was so uplifting and encouraging.

i'm still overwhelmed at how the Lord has brought the three of us girls together to work as a team, but i am also beyond thankful.

it's crazy to think back at how the Lord has answered so many of our prayers. from the other two girls having raised more than enough support to the Holy Spirit speaking to us about what the different focuses each of us girls are going to have while we are at the orphanage. and yet, even from the beginning the Lord heard my prayers about this summer and answered it in bigger ways than i could have ever imagined.

i've also found that it is so interesting how the Lord can use songs to speak to us, it seems that each week a different song has encouraged or spoken to me in some way or another, and yesterday, on the way to anderson, i heard and old camp favorite that at one part says, "...set apart for you my master, ready to do your will..." what a blessing it is that the Lord has set me apart and how exciting it is for me to continue discovering what his will for me is.

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